November 12th
Woke up to a clear, sunny day. Great for flying, but we’re leaving for Yoshikawa today!
Our friends met us at the airport, and drove us to Yoshikawa, where we had lunch at an old restaurant famous for Catfish. The restaurant looks across the Nakagawa River, where possibly the Catfish was caught.
Next stop was Costco! Checked out Japanese Toilet Seats as I am in awe of these gadgets!! Self cleaning, automatically opens, Warm seat, warm water spray ( front and back!) even makes the sound of running water to make it easier to go!!!!!! Took measurements to see if it will fit back home.
Derek having his usual samples at Costco, only this time it was Sashimi (raw fish).
The food court looks the same but their Ice-cream comes from Hokkaido (North Island). Also they have a chicken bake and a Korean bake with Kimchi. Prices were generally double the USA price.
Walked through a small mall, next to Costco and found this appropriately named store!!
Dinner that night was at a Local Restaurant, where friends that have visited us in Lake Oswego gathered for endless food and bottomless beer!! Derek and I both tried the Male Cod Sperm Tempora, and were doing okay until the definition of the Japanese word was explained to us!!!!
urh, urh and more urh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 13th
Went sightseeing in Yoshikawa. Climbed Yoshikawa's 2 highest mountain!! All of approx 300 ft!
Nice view from the top, and a popular park.
View from the top of the local trash Incinerator.
This Incinerator is used by 5 Cities. It was modeled after a Medieval European Castle, and is quite an impressive building. Trash is emptied here, burnt and the heat generated by this is used to heat the local swimming pool, provide light and heating to the surrounding community buildings and excess is sold to the local Power Company. A very efficient way of disposing of trash.
The Local Japanese Garden is beautiful. Waterfalls , trees and perfectly placed boulders make this a very tranquil place. The pond is filled with different species of Koi. A nice place to sit and ponder, if only it was a bit warmer. Makes me want to get back to my garden and pull it apart!!!
I could stay at this place all day! Everytime we walked around the pathway, there were different views of this beautiful garden.
Before we left Yoshikawa, Mrs Okada let us write a birthday wish to Michelle. She is a teacher of Japanese Caligraphy. Not sure what our message says, as it doesn't look like the sample we were copying from. But it was done from the heart babe!!!
Our friends drove us to Tochgi in the afternoon, so we could pick up the balloon for the Motegi event.
Yoshikawa is the sister city of Lake Oswego. About 8 years ago, we began hosting high school students from Yoshikawa, and that has grown into a friendship with many people from this city. Thank you Yoshikawa for always making us welcome.
1 comment:
Too much information on the functions of the toilet seats (wa-aaaaaaa-y too much!)
...and after that Derek still wants food!!
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