Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 27th - 29th

Oct 27th,
Derek went to sort out the rental van and the pick-up of the balloon from the shippers yard. I stayed at homestay and unpacked and done laundry-just routine things today.
Oct 28th
Got up at 6am, for a practice flight. Beautiful sunny day,light winds. Managed to land and swap out crew ( homestay family) so everyone got a flight. Got back by 10am, and the local radio station wanted to interview Derek. The skippy radio car turned up outside the house minutes later, to have a live interview. Derek answered all the questions in Japanese, with a little help from Mr Tanaka's niece. Everyone was very impressed!. Took out bicycles again, and cycled downtown as the land is so flat and weather so good. Then had family dinner of spegetti, and KFC ! Not sure if this is normal food for japanese , or if its just for us! Niece said the KFC is VERY popular here.
Oct 29th.
Up again at 6am for second practice flight. Same weather as yesterday. I went up with Derek for my first Saga flight. A lot more balloons taking off today, as propane is provided for today. Done some target practice ( one on the road-good, one in the river -bad) Need a few more practice flights but competition starts tomorrow. Landed in farmers field, where all the farmers gathered and were eager to pack our balloon away. Surprised at how many elderly women farmers there are, who can lift and carry just like the men. The farmers are actually happy that we land in their fields, yesterday, we landed behind Mr Tanakas house, and the farmer came to the house with 3 boxes of hot steaming fish, as a thank you gift, for landing so close to his house., he had never seen a balloon so close and thanked us for this!!! We need to have a ride business over here !!!!!!!!


CH said...

Is that my balloon? haha

Steve and Cindy said...

Fish for breakfast - lovely!

Steve and Cindy said...

I found the Saga website URL, and Derek is listed as Pilot #17. Here's the URL for anyone wanted to check his progress in the competition:

Sondra said...

Miss you guys, glad you 2 are having so much fun

Unknown said...

... need crew for you Saga Balloon ride Business?
Hi guys... just catching up w/ you. Dara-chan 11/30/09