Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th

Feb 16th
I slept in today, as Derek gave Win a flying lesson. We still have no passengers . Amy, one of the crew, has gone to hospital with a stomach Virus. When the crew came back 5 of the 7 guys went back to bed feeling sick! Considering most of us have been cooking and eating the same food- bit concerned, but so far we both feel fine. Walked downtown for some excercise ( figured it would do us good) and walked through the market. Most of the locals ride their bikes through the market, stopping but not getting off to buy their goods. Rested in the afternoon , just in case.
Despite everyone coming down with stomach aches, one of the guys buys us 'crickets" for lunch. And we ate them!!!!!!! They tasted salty and crunchy good with a beer!!!!!
Derek munching down on the little critters. Didn't want to waste an opportunity to try these. Now they are talking of buying other critters for us!!! Maybe we were a bit too enthusiatic about them!
In the evening we went to a Tribalj village , up in the mountains. ( Relatives of the maintenance guy). Had to dress up in traditional clothes in order to celebrate their New Year. Lots of dancing and music. Lot of smiles, as most locals drink the whiskey that the neighbourhood has brewed.
Tried a few dances, but got dizzy after a while. Tried to have a sip of the whiskey, but the smell made my eyes water-very potent!

Posing in our costumes. The pants are very comfortable. Locals seemed very amused at us being dressed up. Only saw 2 other ferangs ( foreigners).One of the ladies that let me use her clothes. Just about fit, as she is tiny!
Feb 17th,
Slept in again, as Derek gave another lesson to Win. Afterwoods went to Wed. market , held by the tribes people. Next to the market, saw this construction site, with women and men working together to carry cement buckets to the post hole. Everyone joking and laughing with each other and all pitching in.
Interesting construction. Hard enough work in cool conditions, but very hard work in this heat. !!

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