Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13th

Here's one of the Monitor Lizards that are everywhere. They're very nervous and run away when you approach, thank god! This one was at the bottom of our balcony, so I managed to get this shot. He's about 3 feet long.
While sitting out, we asked for a coconut drink. This little Indian man actually climbed up the Palm Tree ( without any harness) and cut out a cluster of coconuts , tied them up and lowered them down. Then came down with such ease!
Here he is at the top of the tree, cutting off a cluster of coconuts.
Lowers the cluster to the beach.
Prepares each one, and sells them along the beach. What an entrepreneur !
The coconut milk tastes really sweet!!
Had to try and climb the tree myself, just to see how hard/easy it was. Got quite a way up, before I chickened out!!!
Sunset after the storm. Looks like weather will be back to normal tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Maureen! Maybe if you had some Columbia shoes on you could've climbed up further in the tree! Sue : )